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  • robynricardo09

Relieve Back Pain With Physical Therapy Treatment

Each low back pain situation is unique. Every patient must determine what causes the symptoms, and what relieves them. This is crucial to know. The body can heal itself, but it needs to be given the right environment. Although they may temporarily relieve symptoms, they don't address the root cause.

First, determine the cause of the problem. My patients always know that if they hit me with a hammer, and I keep doing it, the tissue will not heal. It gets worse, I keep hitting it with a hammer and continue to injure the tissue. This causes it not to heal properly. The same way, most people push it regardless of being hurt or injured. It is important to identify the pain-causing activities and stop repeating them Back pain Physical Therapy.

First, consider whether your back is sensitive or not to load bearing activities like standing, sitting, and walking. It should be avoided if your back is sensitive to load bearing activities. Ask yourself if this is causing my problem. To relieve back pain, I need to unload my spine.

You can unload by lying down. This is possible in any position you like, including on your stomach, side, or back.

For my patients in physical therapy, I use either manual or mechanical traction. It is similar to using an Inversion Table to relieve pressure on the spine.

The second important thing to consider is whether the problem is worsened by static or dynamic positions. It is best to move around and get out of static positions such as sitting or standing.

Avoid excessive movement and activity if it makes your pain worse. You need to limit your activity, whether it is housework, yard work or exercise. This will allow the injured tissue to rest and heal.

It is also important to determine if the pain is worsened by arching or bending the spine. The spine will curve forward if you are sitting, bent, or bending. More pain will result. If the pain is worsened by arching the back, such as when you stand straight up, bend backwards, or lie on your stomach, these positions should be avoided.

It is important to identify which positions or activities cause you the most pain. To heal your spine, you should avoid the painful positions.

I hope this helps. These are some tips that you can start to think about.

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